How to Solve WannaCry Ransomware Virus - Mohammad Mubahan Cihan Shah (محمد موبهان چهان شاه)


محمد موبهان چهان شاه, از نوع احساس در ساخت علم برای آینده ای بهتر و آمدن کردستان نگه داشته اضافه کردن فن آوری اطلاعات از طریق امپراتوری مشترک ایلخانیان فارسی رفتار دوران کردی و مدرن تر و شسته و رفته Mubahan Cihan (موبهان چهان) || Mubahan Cihan Websites Adventure Persian Kurdish (Kurpanisyan | کورپانسیان)


Senin, 05 Juni 2017

How to Solve WannaCry Ransomware Virus

WannaCry type ransomware virus (Hindi: रैंसमवेयर वायरस; Chinese: 勒索病毒;)can encrypt and lock data on a PC or computer. Especially computers with Windows operating system. The ransomware maker will ask for ransom of around Rp4 million rupiah to the computer owner, to recover data on a computer attacked by WannaCry's ransomware. This article will help you to solve the files affected by WansCry ransomware virus.

How to Ward off WansCry Ransomware Attack?
The WannaCry ransomware attack exploits a flaw in the SMB service on the Windows operating system to infect files on the computer, and can spread to other computers when connected in one network. Therefore you can prevent WannaCry ransomware attacks before infecting files in the computer, or restore the computer after being infected with WannaCry's ransomware.

How to Prevent Ransomware Infection WannaCry?First, you must disconnect the internet network connection on the computer by unplugging the LAN or Wi-Fi cable to prevent the entry of WannaCry's ransomware. Next you need to backup important data on the computer to other storage space such as hard disk or online cloud storage.
After that, you need to update the anti virus program installed on the computer with the latest version available. Then do a Windows security update by installing Patch MS17-010 officially released by Microsoft, via the following link: Click to Download MS17-010 . The MS17-010 patch is released specifically to prevent WannaCry ransomware infections on Windows-based computers.
Next, you should avoid using macros on your computer to prevent WannaCry's ransomware infection. Then disable the SMB v1 and block ports 39/445 and 3389.

How to Restore WantCancent Ransomware Virused Files?Have not found the most appropriate way to restore files encrypted by WannaCry's ransomware. But as an alternative, if infected with WansCry ransomware then you can reformat and reinstall the computer with the latest Windows operating system.